A sophisticated way to communicate your professional development. Enhance your professional brand with digital badges and visually communicate your professional development achievements via social media, emails, and resumes.
This certificate provides introductory leadership knowledge and skills for individuals interested in the concept of leadership. It is not designed as a capstone program in leadership development.
Program Content
Competencies for this certificate were identified through a review of Georgia State’s strategic plan, discussions with aspirational universities, the Staff Development and Recognition Committee, online research, the University System of Georgia Board of Regents Leadership Competency model, and feedback from focus groups composed of Georgia State employees.
The certificate program consists of seven required courses. Coursework must be completed within a two-year window.
Courses and certificate sign up are free for Georgia State employees.
We’ve made it easy for you to sign up for this certificate. Click the button below.
Core Courses (must complete all)
Foundations of Good Leadership
Get practical leadership skills you can use every day. This course provides leaders and managers of all levels with an introduction to the basic skills they need to lead their teams to success. Explore the qualities of a great leader, theories of motivation, leadership styles, and core proficiencies like connecting with your team and effectively delegating work.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence can help you build effective relationships at work. Explore what emotional intelligence (EQ) is and why it's important so you can become more self-aware and identify triggers that may hijack your performance. Learn also how to align your intentions and your impact so that you can build strong and collaborative relationships.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Building Trust
Trust is a fundamental aspect of any productive relationship. In business, trust has been proven to decrease turnover, increase innovation, and improve team performance. When trust is compromised, relationships and productivity can suffer. This course shows how professionals of all kinds can build trust with colleagues across their organization by practicing trust—trusting yourself and others—and rebuilding trust when it has been lost. The course features live-action scenarios and practical strategies for boosting trust that will help you apply the concepts to your most important relationships.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Creativity Bootcamp
Think you're not creative? Think again! Creativity is a skill—one you can develop with practice. And all it takes to start flexing your creative muscles is an hour of your time and this fun, hands-on course. Explore five interactive training exercises that will help you boost your creative output and produce even more innovative ideas. You'll explore some common misconceptions about creativity, learn the hidden value of the "stupid idea," and discover the three bootcamp commands for energizing your creative process.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Are You a Confident Impactful Presenter?
What makes a compelling presentation? A presentation that is built on strong research, tailored to your audience's interests, and designed to anticipate and answer questions about your message. Explore how to find your story, appeal to logic and emotion, gain credibility, build a deck, and deliver a compelling presentation. Along the way, follow Katie, a young professional, as she prepares to give a presentation to the executives at her organization.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Business Etiquette and Professionalism
This series provides tips to help you stay focused, balanced, and in sync with your boss, and become an invaluable asset to whatever company you work for. Explore how to develop key skills such as gatekeeping, project management, and navigating office politics. Learn tools to help you be more productive and efficient, and resources to find answers specific to your industry. Finally, build your brand and your network, to help pave the way to your next job or promotion.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
The Impostor Phenomenon
Those who experience impostor syndrome often believe they are inferior to others or have faked their way into positions despite impressive accomplishments. Up to 70% of both women and men, especially high-achievers, experience impostor syndrome at some point in their career. This false belief system leads some people to self-sabotage, turn down career and growth opportunities, and limit their own career trajectories. Learn about different types of impostor syndrome and constructive ways you can begin to overcome this negative thought cycle.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
This certificate provides the basic knowledge and skills necessary to operate successfully in a Georgia State office environment. Ideal candidates are current office workers wishing to improve their skill set, newly hired office workers, or Georgia State employees wishing to compete for an office worker position.
Program Content
The certificate program consists of six required courses. Coursework must be completed within a two-year window.
Courses and certificate sign up are free for Georgia State employees.
We’ve made it easy for you to sign up for this certificate. Click the button below.
Core Courses (must complete all)
Business Etiquette and Professionalism
This series provides tips to help you stay focused, balanced, and in sync with your boss, and become an invaluable asset to whatever company you work for. Explore how to develop key skills such as gatekeeping, project management, and navigating office politics. Learn tools to help you be more productive and efficient, and resources to find answers specific to your industry. Finally, build your brand and your network, to help pave the way to your next job or promotion.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Business Writing And Grammar Skills
Discover the secrets to effective business writing and crafting messages that others want to read and act on. Explore the 10 Cs of strong business communication and before-and-after writing samples that give you the opportunity to apply each principle and sharpen your communication skills. Learn about common grammar and writing mistakes and special considerations for formats like emails and reports.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Improving Interpersonal Communication
Learn how to communicate more effectively. Your communication skills affect your career prospects, the value you bring to your company, and the likelihood of your promotion. This course helps you communicate better in a variety of professional situations, including meetings, email messages, pitches, and presentations. Explore the four building blocks of communication—people, message, context, and listening—and learn through vignettes and applied tools to build this core competency and communicate in a way that effectively and professionally conveys your message.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Foundations Of Customer Service
In this course, explore three crucial skill sets needed to deliver outstanding customer service and increase customer loyalty. Learn how to build winning relationships, provide the right assistance at the right times, and effectively handle angry customers. Also learn ways to find out what your customers really think about your service, and use their feedback to improve.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Organization And Time Management
Effective time management is an indispensable skill. Managing your time and become more productive. Learn how to get more done in the shortest time possible and avoid the obstacles and distractions that can get in the way of good time management. In this course explore ways of developing habits to be more organized and reducing clutter in your workspace; staying mentally on task and eliminate the to-dos you have floating in your head; and developing a time budget to get the most done during your workday and focus on your most valuable activities.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Dealing With Difficult People
In every workplace, you're likely to perceive some colleagues are being more difficult to work with than others. Before you rush to judgment, you should determine if and how you might be contributing to the situation. (After all, it's entirely possible that you're the problem.) If you've determined that the problem isn't you, then this course can help. In this course, learn how to recognize the characteristics of some of the most common types of difficult people and develop strategies for dealing with these individuals more effectively. Explore how to deal with a variety of different behaviors, overcome your own negative thinking, and get the best from a difficult boss.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
This certificate provides the knowledge and skills necessary to operate successfully as a GSU supervisor. Ideal candidates are current supervisors wishing to improve their skill set, newly promoted supervisors, or someone preparing to complete for a supervisory position.
Program Content
Competencies for this certificate were identified through a review of Georgia State’s strategic plan, discussions with aspirational universities, the Staff Development and Recognition Committee, online research, the University System of Georgia Board of Regents Leadership Competency model, and feedback from focus groups of Georgia State managers and above.
The certificate program consists of eight courses (six core courses and two electives). Coursework must be completed within a two-year window.
Courses and certificate sign up are free for Georgia State employees.
We’ve made it easy for you to sign up for this certificate. Click the button below.
Core Courses (must complete all)
Critical Thinking
The pace of change and volume of information we encounter in daily life make it hard to think through decisions. Instead, people often rely on biases and rules of thumb, which trap them into drawing faulty conclusions. The most successful teams use critical thinking—objective and rational analysis—to illuminate the wisest conclusions. This course prepares leaders to hone the critical thinking skills of their entire organization. Learn how to upgrade critical thinking to avoid deceiving fallacies, spot misleading cognitive biases, craft better arguments, hone judgment, and improve decision-making.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Managing A Diverse Team
Team leaders should aim to create an inclusive culture that celebrates differences and fosters the best performance from every team member. In this course, explore knowledge and impactful strategies that can help you successfully manage, counsel, and lead a diverse team. Learn how to prepare yourself to lead by identifying cornerstones of diversity and reviewing diversity and inclusion terminology. Then learn strategies for observing and coaching your team to cultivate behaviors that build trust and strengthen relationships.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Improving Employee Performance
A central goal of any manager is to help their employees produce good work, and enhance their ability to do this work over time. But while the concept of performance management isn't new, the methods used to accomplish it have changed. Today's managers must contend with a variety of different factors, including a shortage of skilled labor and boomers leaving the workforce as millennials enter it. Explore strategies for creating a culture that encourages high performance as well as best practices for improving employee performance in the modern workplace. Learn to set clear expectations, delegate tasks, manage remote workers, get to the root of poor employee performance, and coach both high-performing and low-performing employees.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Foundations of Supervision
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Conducting Performance Reviews
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Improving Interpersonal Communications
Learn how to communicate more effectively. Your communication skills affect your career prospects, the value you bring to your company, and the likelihood of your promotion. This course helps you communicate better in a variety of professional situations, including meetings, email messages, pitches, and presentations. Explore the four building blocks of communication—people, message, context, and listening—and learn through vignettes and applied tools to build this core competency and communicate in a way that effectively and professionally conveys your message.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Electives (must complete two):
Organization And Time Management
Effective time management is an indispensable skill. Managing your time and become more productive. Learn how to get more done in the shortest time possible and avoid the obstacles and distractions that can get in the way of good time management. In this course explore ways of developing habits to be more organized and reducing clutter in your workspace; staying mentally on task and eliminate the to-dos you have floating in your head; and developing a time budget to get the most done during your workday and focus on your most valuable activities.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Dealing With Difficult People
In every workplace, you're likely to perceive some colleagues are being more difficult to work with than others. Before you rush to judgment, you should determine if and how you might be contributing to the situation. (After all, it's entirely possible that you're the problem.) If you've determined that the problem isn't you, then this course can help. In this course, learn how to recognize the characteristics of some of the most common types of difficult people and develop strategies for dealing with these individuals more effectively. Explore how to deal with a variety of different behaviors, overcome your own negative thinking, and get the best from a difficult boss.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Bystander Training: From Bystander To Upstander
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Delegating Tasks
Delegation is key for managers as you ascend in your organization. But even if you're just starting out and don't have any direct reports, there will be times you'll need to delegate to colleagues which can be awkward. Learn the right way to get help and still maintain your high-quality standards. Review three methods for delegating: hiring a dedicated resource, delegating to a direct report, or using someone outside the chain of command. Follow up on tasks you've delegated and take appropriate action when someone makes a mistake. Plus, learn how delegation can help scale your impact and achieve more in years to come.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Preventing Harassment In The Workplace
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Decision Making Strategies
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
This certificate provides the knowledge and skills necessary to operate successfully as a GSU manager. Ideal candidates are current managers wishing to improve their skillset, newly promoted managers, or supervisors preparing to compete for a managerial position.
Program Content
Competencies for this certificate were identified through a review of Georgia State’s strategic plan, discussions with aspirational universities, the Staff Development and Recognition Committee, online research, the University System of Georgia Board of Regents Leadership Competency model, and feedback from focus groups of Georgia State directors and above.
The certificate program consists of eight courses (six core courses and two electives). Coursework must be completed within a two-year window.
Courses and certificate sign up are free for Georgia State employees.
We’ve made it easy for you to sign up for this certificate. Click the button below.
Core Courses (must complete all)
Coaching Skills For Managers
Harness the power of coaching in the workplace. Explore how to establish a coaching relationship with your reports with skills like open-ended question asking, listening, challenging for growth, and accountability can increase your employees' autonomy and problem-solving capacities. The course includes assessments, exercises, and tools to help your team capture goals, map a career trajectory, and accelerate growth, along with sample coaching conversations help you see these tips in practice and understand their potential impact on your people, productivity, and results.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Improving Interpersonal Communications
Learn how to communicate more effectively. Your communication skills affect your career prospects, the value you bring to your company, and the likelihood of your promotion. This course helps you communicate better in a variety of professional situations, including meetings, email messages, pitches, and presentations. Explore the four building blocks of communication—people, message, context, and listening—and learn through vignettes and applied tools to build this core competency and communicate in a way that effectively and professionally conveys your message.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Critical Thinking
The pace of change and volume of information we encounter in daily life make it hard to think through decisions. Instead, people often rely on biases and rules of thumb, which trap them into drawing faulty conclusions. The most successful teams use critical thinking—objective and rational analysis—to illuminate the wisest conclusions. This course prepares leaders to hone the critical thinking skills of their entire organization. Learn how to upgrade critical thinking to avoid deceiving fallacies, spot misleading cognitive biases, craft better arguments, hone judgment, and improve decision-making.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Managing Teams
Managing a team of people in the workplace requires continuous learning for today's managers and team leaders. Learn how to bring out the best in your team in this course. Explore how to set shared goals, delegate tasks, manage performance, and develop each member of the team by providing feedback and training. Also learn to how address the challenges and solutions to managing different types of teams: virtual, global, intergenerational, and cross-functional, as well as how to manage difficult behavior and underperformance.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Delegating Tasks
Delegation is key for managers as you ascend in your organization. But even if you're just starting out and don't have any direct reports, there will be times you'll need to delegate to colleagues which can be awkward. Learn the right way to get help and still maintain your high-quality standards. Review three methods for delegating: hiring a dedicated resource, delegating to a direct report, or using someone outside the chain of command. Follow up on tasks you've delegated and take appropriate action when someone makes a mistake. Plus, learn how delegation can help scale your impact and achieve more in years to come.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Decision-Making Strategies
Learn the art and science of business decision-making through four styles of decision making—autocratic, participatory, democratic, and consensual—and reveals which styles are best suited for specific situations. Explore how to reduce risk and plan for contingencies, use a RACI (responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed) matrix. Apply these major concepts to help you make better decisions faster, incur less risk, and gain more support for your decisions.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Electives (must complete two):
Managing A Diverse Team
Team leaders should aim to create an inclusive culture that celebrates differences and fosters the best performance from every team member. In this course, explore knowledge and impactful strategies that can help you successfully manage, counsel, and lead a diverse team. Learn how to prepare yourself to lead by identifying cornerstones of diversity and reviewing diversity and inclusion terminology. Then learn strategies for observing and coaching your team to cultivate behaviors that build trust and strengthen relationships.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Improving Employee Performance
A central goal of any manager is to help their employees produce good work, and enhance their ability to do this work over time. But while the concept of performance management isn't new, the methods used to accomplish it have changed. Today's managers must contend with a variety of different factors, including a shortage of skilled labor and boomers leaving the workforce as millennials enter it. Explore strategies for creating a culture that encourages high performance as well as best practices for improving employee performance in the modern workplace. Learn to set clear expectations, delegate tasks, manage remote workers, get to the root of poor employee performance, and coach both high-performing and low-performing employees.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Foundations Of Good Leadership
Get practical leadership skills you can use every day. This course provides leaders and managers of all levels with an introduction to the basic skills they need to lead their teams to success. Explore the qualities of a great leader, theories of motivation, leadership styles, and core proficiencies like connecting with your team and effectively delegating work.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
Leading Your Team Through Change
Great leaders help their organization overcome challenges and change course. Explore how to manage a team using a proven playbook to help rally employees to acclimate to new ideas and initiatives.
This courses must be signed up for and completed through Stacks.
This certificate provides the core knowledge and skills necessary to operate successfully as a GSU Business Manager. The certificate is designed for an individual newly promoted into a Business Manager position, a current Business Manager looking to improve their skillset, or someone preparing to move into a Business Manager position.
Program Content
The program covers the basic business and financial management practices required to successfully run the financial affairs of a department/college/unit at Georgia State. Competencies for this certificate were identified by focus groups composed of a cross section of Georgia State leadership, input from Georgia State CAOs, and online research. The certificate program is delivered twice annually, one in the fall and one in the spring, as a cohort workshop spanning four days of classroom training.
Contact Doug Samuels at [email protected].
PREREQUISITE: attendees must have completed all Spectrum courses (i.e., Intro to Spectrum/PantherMart, Financial Reports and Inquiries, Journal Entry, PantherMart requestor, and PantherMart Payment Request/Travel) prior to attending this program.
Contact Georgia State University Spectrum Services for more information on Spectrum courses.
Certificate Program FAQ
A digital badge or credential is a visual representation of achievement that is shareable and backed with course data. We use Canvas Badges (formerly Badgr) to award badges and store verifiable course information.
Badges reflect learning and achievement beyond the classroom. They can be published on LinkedIn and other sites to represent a learning achievement.
The verifiable learning achievements for a particular badge are stored online like an online transcript. Badge recipients can use them to for recognition and to highlight skills not represented in traditional academia.
After completing all requirements for Georgia State certificates offered through the Talent Management Office, email [email protected] so that we can verify course completions and award you a digital badge through Canvas Badges.
HR for You!
Here are some upcoming HR events, certificate programs, and Tuition Assistance Program at Georgia State.
Designed to boost your career, these opportunities are perfect for enhancing skills and expanding knowledge. Your participation will enrich both your personal growth and our Georgia State community.
Need More Help?
If you have a question, need assistance, or have a recommendation, please email [email protected] or call 404-413-4747. If our HR service desk associates cannot answer your question, they will connect you with the correct human resources staff and/or Georgia State office.