Next Steps
1. Review the remote work policy
Review the remote work policy before submitting your remote work request.
2. Review the remote work request form
The remote work agreement outlines the conditions of an approved remote work arrangement. You can review the terms of the remote work agreement before submitting your remote work request.
3. Submit your Remote work Request (In State Request)
Once your remote work request is submitted, approved and signed, it will serve as a completed remote work agreement.
Submit your Out of State Remote work Request (Out of State)
Out of State Remote Work Request go through additional approval. A Justification Memo must also be attached to your request that comes from your leadership.
4. Complete remote work training for staff
Once you completed steps 1-3 watch the staff remote work training.
If you have any technical issues regarding the remote work request, please log an IIT help desk ticket by emailing [email protected] and provide a description of the problem.
New to Adobe Esign?
Adobe Sign is a convenient way for faculty and staff to digitally sign and send documents. Documents, such as PDFs, can be sent to multiple recipients and be easily configured with fill-in fields to capture information, initials and signatures.
Teleworking Resources
Find information about software and hardware to help you identify and access tools and technologies that are available to complete your office tasks while working off-campus.
1. Review the remote work policy
Review the remote work policy before submitting your remote work request.
2. Review the remote work request form
The remote work agreement outlines the conditions of an approved remote work arrangement. You can review the terms of the remote work agreement before submitting your remote work request.
3. Review employee requests
If an employee has submitted a remote work request, you will receive a notification in your email to review the request form. Review whether the employee meets the eligibility requirements outlined in the policy.
The following eligibility factors must be met:
- Responsibilities of the employee’s position can be performed away from the regular work location without impacting productivity, operational efficiency, customer service and team collaboration.
- An employee must complete the provisional period to be eligible to work remotely.
- An employee must have a satisfactory evaluation; not be involved in any active disciplinary action and not be on a performance improvement plan.
- A temporary employee may work remotely as long as business needs justify the assignment, as determined by the supervisor.
4. Sign the request to approve the agreement
Sign the form to approve an employee’s remote work request. A fully signed and approved request serves as the remote work agreement. A copy of the fully signed form will be automatically sent to the employee, manager, next-level manager and local human resources officer.
5. Complete remote work training for supervisor
Employee Remote Work Training
Supervisor Remote Work Training
Contact Us
Questions about remote work should be directed to the Human Resources Department. Some of these questions may be referred to a unit-level human resources officer for a detailed answer.